When does absentee voting start?
Absentee voting begins 55 days before an election.
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What are the qualifications for obtaining an absentee ballot?
- The voter will be out of the county or state on Election Day.
- The voter has a physical illness or infirmity that prevents their attendance at the polls.
- The voter works a shift which has at least (10) hours that coincide with the polling hours at their regular polling place.
- The voter is a student at and educational institution located outside the county of their permanent residence; and are, therefore, unable to vote at their usual polling place on Election Day.
- The voter is a member of, or the spouse of a member of, the armed forces of the United States or are otherwise entitled to vote by absentee pursuant the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, 42, U.S.C. 1973ff.
- The voter has been appointed as an election officer at a polling place which is not their regular polling place.
- The voter is a caregiver for a family member to the second degree of kinship by affinity or consanguinity and the family member is confined to his or her home.
- The voter is currently incarcerated in prison or jail and has not been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude.
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Am I eligible to vote absentee?
If you are registered to vote in Marshall County and meet one of the above requirements, then you are eligible. If you are not registered to vote in Marshall County, you will need to contact the Board of Registrars at (256) 571-7740 to register. By law the cut-off date to register to be eligible to vote in an upcoming election is 10 days before the election. You can download a voter registration form here. It should be mailed to the Board of Registrars at 424 Blount Avenue, Guntersville, AL 35976.
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How do I apply for an absentee ballot?
You can call Angie Johnson, Absentee Election Manager at (256) 571-7790 or come by and pick up an application at the office of the Circuit Clerk/Absentee Election Manager, 424 Blount Avenue, Suite 201, Guntersville, AL 35976. You can also download the form available in the AlabamaVotes.gov. PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU FILL OUT AND MAIL IN YOUR APPLICATION.
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Where do I mail the application?
The application along with a copy of a valid driver license must be mailed to: Angie Johnson, Absentee Election Manager, 424 Blount Avenue, Suite 201, Guntersville, AL 35976. By law (AG Opinion 82-551), each application must be mailed in a separate envelope. Multiple applications (even for husband and wife) which are mailed in the same envelope will be returned to the voter. Applications cannot be faxed to the Absentee Election Manager. For voter applications and absentee applications visit: AlabamaVotes.gov.
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What is the deadline for voting absentee?
The cut-off date for submitting an application by mail is 7 days before an election. Since elections are typically held on a Tuesday, this would be on the preceding Tuesday. Your application must be received in the office on or before this date for me to be able to mail you a ballot, or you can vote in person at the office of the Absentee Election Manager through Thursday. The cut-off date to submit an application in person is 5 days prior to the election.
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What if my application is postmarked Thursday?
Your application must physically be received by the Absentee Election Manager's Office through the mail 7 days prior to the election or be physically received in person in the Absentee Election Manager's office 5 days prior to the election.
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Can I vote absentee in person?
Yes, you can come by the Absentee Election Manager's office Monday through Friday 8:00AM - 4:30PM (except on holidays) and make application and vote while you are in the office. Valid identification is required. The cut-off date is Thursday (five days before an election). The address is 424 Blount Avenue, Suite 201, Guntersville, AL 35976.
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Do I need an ID to vote absentee?
Yes, you will need to present one of the following forms of ID before you can vote:
1. Current, Valid Photo Identification
- Employee identification for employee with photo of employee produced by the employer
- Photo identification card issued by Alabama college or university.
- Photo identification issued from Alabama technical or professional school (current and valid).
2. One of the following:
- Utility bill of voter with voter's name and address.
- Bank statement with voter's name and address.
- Government check with voter's name and address.
- Paycheck with voter's name and address.
- Valid identification card (authorized by law) issued by the State of Alabama (including any branch, department, agency, or entity of the State of Alabama).
- Valid identification card (authorized by law) issued by any of the other 49 states (including any branch, department, agency, or entity of that State).
- Valid identification card (authorized by law) issued by the government of the United States of America (including any branch, department, agency, or entity of the federal government).
- Valid United States passport.
- Valid Alabama hunting license.
- Valid Alabama fishing license. Valid Alabama pistol/revolver permit.
- Valid pilot's license issued by the FAA or other authorized agency of the federal government.
- Valid United States military identification.
- Birth certificate (certified copy).
- Valid Social Security card.
- Naturalization document (certified copy).
- Court record of adoption (certified copy).
- Court record of name change (certified copy).
- Valid Medicaid card.
- Valid Medicare card.
- Valid electronic benefits transfer (EBT) card.
- Government document that shows the name and address of the voter.
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If I am voting absentee by mail, when do I send in the copy of my ID?
You will need to send a copy of your ID at that time you submit your application. Please read your instructions carefully as to how it is to be returned.
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How do I find out where my voting precinct is?
You can call the Marshall County Board of Registrars at (256) 571-7740 for information on your voting precinct.
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Does my absentee ballot have to be witnessed or notarized?
Yes, by law, your ballot must either be notarized OR witnessed by two people 18 years of age or older. These may be other family members. If your ballot has not been notarized or witnessed by 2 people, it will not be counted.
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I have a relative serving in the military, how can they vote absentee?
They need to contact the military voting assistance officer and request Standard Form 76-A which is a Federal Post Card Absentee Ballot Request. It is postage pre-paid. These applications are good for 2 federal election cycles, so once this application is received, the applicant will automatically be mailed or emailed a ballot for upcoming elections they are eligible to vote in. For more information, go to fvap.gov. You can also download an Absentee Ballot Application from this website. The Absentee Election Manager should be notified if there is a change of address of military voter between elections. Since Form 76-A is good for 4 years, this is important in getting their ballot to the correct address. Unless we are otherwise notified, ballots will be mailed to the same address for 4 years. At this time, Alabama law, AG Opinion 04-209, does not allow voting by either fax or e-mail by military personnel, but military and overseas voters can request to receive their ballots electronically. Once the ballot is received, it should be mailed to the Absentee Election Manager.
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I have power-of-attorney for a relative, can I vote for them?
No, at this time the law (AG Opinion 84-359) does not allow a person to vote for someone else.
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I have moved since the last election, how will this affect my being able to vote absentee?
You need to get in touch with the Board of Registrars at (256) 571-7740 and update your address. If I receive your application and the residence address is different than what is on file with the Board of Registrars, you will have to vote a Provisional Ballot.
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Do I have to file a new application for every election?
The law states that any elections which are 30 days apart must have a new application (except military absentee applications).
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What if I find out after the Thursday afternoon deadline that I have to go out of the county for employment reasons?
The law provides for a voter to vote business emergency if you find out after the Thursday deadline that you have to go out of the county or state for business reasons. You can go to the Absentee Election Manager's Office and vote in person on Thursday and Monday before the Tuesday election. (Unless either of these two days is a federal/state holiday).
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Must I declare a particular party to vote?
To vote in the Primary Election, you must designate the party which you wish to receive a ballot for. You cannot vote a Republican and a Democrat ballot. In the General Election in November, you can vote for candidates from any of the parties on the ballot.
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Who do I contact to vote absentee in city elections?
You need to call your city clerk at the city hall in the municipality you live in.
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